My clients tell me that I’m nuts when I say that interviewing is a blast. They shake their head when I say that interviewing over the phone is easy. Yet, both of these statements can be true with the right attitude and a little practice. We always say, be yourself and be prepared and that’s the secret to enjoying the interview process. But interviewing over the phone does have its limitations.
When we look at a pie chart that breaks down how we communicate; 55% of human communication is through body language, 38% is vocal or tonal qualities and only 7% is conveyed by the words we use. So when you’re talking on the phone you’re short 55% of the total communication package. Therefore, you need to focus extra attention on your tone of voice and the words you use.

The first tip I offer my clients is to use a quality phone and a land line if possible. If you’re down to 45% of your communication capability, phone static and a poor connection may be a killer. The next tip is to smile, because a smile can be heard over the phone. Yes, I know that sounds silly, but all the experts say it’s true. Plus, this is a grand way to help convey your enthusiasm for the job; if you’re not smiling you’re not going to come across as very enthusiastic over the phone or in person.

The next tip I offer is to stand up and look into a mirror when you’re talking on the phone. This way you have visual feedback and can make eye contact when your talking. It helps you stay focused on your message and to be clear and concise. If you don’t have a mirror, I advise talking to a picture of a loved one or someone you’d like to be a loved one. Nicole Kidman works for me but maybe George Clooney will work for others. This actually works and my clients who have used this tip report the whole phone interview process as less intimidating. Of course it is sometimes shocking on the other end of the phone when the interviewer gets called Nicole (or George when that isn’t their name); so don’t make that mistake.

All kidding aside, these tips work; however, if you fail to be yourself and be prepared you’re going to fall flat. You cannot fake an interview or be someone you’re not. So be honest in your responses and practice those responses. There is a finite number of questions that are asked in an interview, especially a phone interview. Hire a coach or read any one of a number of different books on interview questions. Write down your responses and then rehearse over and over. Practice at job club meetings and networking coffees.
I help people everyday feel more at ease when interviewing. These tips work and with practice and a little experience you too can feel confident and enthusiastic when interviewing over the phone... Good hunting!