Thursday, December 10, 2009

Transition: What I am becoming? (part 3)

We are talking about transition -- what I called the becoming phase. And remember, people like things to be predictable... so let’s start here.

Job and life transitions are not predictable and therefore stressful. One example, in 1999 a high tech worker looking for a new job found that job in a matter of weeks. In 2002 the time-line went from weeks to months and in many cases over a year. I’ve spoken to clients that said they never saw that coming. The economy shifts like an earthquake; one moment everything is fine, great and the next all hell breaks loose. Sadly, many of these same clients told me that they chose IT as a career because this was never supposed to have happened. Technology was a safe field. I went to work there because there was suppose to be job security. Yet, every industry has a similar story.

So instead of asking yourself what is a safe career, ask yourself, "What do I need to do that will bring happiness?" "Where do my strengths and interests fit best?" For people of faith this is the other kind of vocational question. "What is God calling me to do?" "What can give my life fuller meaning?"

I was talking to a friend who told me that she was a teacher because of the security and the predictable salary increases. She went on to say that she likes teaching but it isn’t not her passion. She knows she makes a difference in the lives of her students, but she does it because she needs to work to bring money into the household, nothing else.

I asked her a question, “What if the government decided to pay women for staying home and raising the best families possible; would you have passion for that?” It may be that, at least one reason she is a teacher is because it is the closest thing there is in the work world to her true passion, motherhood. What is God or the universe, calling you to do? What is your true passion?

Once you learn this answer you'll then have new energy. Notice I am not saying that it makes it easier. But, knowing what you are passionate about and going after a job or role that incorporates that passion will give you energy to do the job search.

Talk to someone about this. If you don't have a coach, get one and work with your coach to identify your strengths and talents and you will see where that takes you.

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