13 things that you can do when you're feeling powerless over the world
Brian Ramaker was a guest speaker at a Transition Support Group I facilitate at St. Barnabas Church here in Chicago’s Western suburbs. Brian is a financial planner for Edward Jones and came to offer some insight to our folks in transition as well as some encouragement. Beyond that Brian shared a little of his faith walk with God. It was powerful as it was genuine and simple. He also shared an article he had read in MSN Money, A survival guide for the unemployed, by Liz Pulliam Weston. Here are some of the highlights of the article:
- Get your head on straight. Keeping your spirits up
- Schedule your job search. Get up early, take a shower, put on nice clothes and schedule what you'll do for the day
- Let people know how to find you. Your business and professional contacts may have only your work e-mail address and telephone number
- Stay covered. With health insurance
- Apply for unemployment benefits.
- Track your spending. You no longer have the luxury of not knowing where your money is going
- Get your priorities straight. List your bills and other spending in order of importance
- Conserve your cash. When you've lost your job cash becomes king
- Don't tap your retirement funds if you can avoid it.
- Use your home equity with caution.
- Raise cash. Organize a garage sale or sell items on Craigslist or eBay
- Identify emergency sources of aid.
- Consider volunteering. It’s not a waste of time doing unpaid work? It gets you out there doing something positive
If you're in job transition, read the whole article, it's important. Again, I want to thank Brian for his wisdom and kindness. He spent 90 minutes with my group and gave away a priceless gift... himself. Have a great week and do something nice for the world, little or big it doesn’t matter.
Sorry we were a little late this week with our blog. The Veteran's day holiday was great but took away a work day. Have a great week and make a difference in the world.