I heard a story on the news a couple of weeks ago and then found an article that further detailed the story. As I read the article I realized that this would work for people who get nervous before an interview. In the article, the author cites “Students who are the biggest worrywarts before taking a test might calm their nerves -- and improve their results -- by writing about their fears for 10 minutes before the exam.”
I thought, I wonder if that will work for my clients who are having anxiety about an upcoming interview. I can see a hopeful job candidate sitting in his or her car ten minutes before going into the company’s building. Just writing down how they are feeling and putting the note paper away and walking into the interview with their head held high, smile on their face with a bounce in their step.
If you are willing to give it a try and would like to comment on how it works for you, I’d be happy to hear about your experience and thoughts.
One of the things I advise my clients to do to relieve stress and anxiety before an interview is to review their success stories. I like how the brain works... our mind’s eye doesn’t distinguish between new experiences and remembered/relived events. If you are thinking about and reliving an event, positive or negative, you body chemistry will react the same way as it did when the event first occurred. Namely, your brain will release those same endorphins as it did when you actually experienced the events of your success the first time.
How does it work? I don’t know, I only know it does... think about a dream where you’re being chased by a monster of some kind. It’s a dream right? But when you wake up, you’re sweating, your heart is pounding and you’re flush full of adrenaline. Your mind/body is responding as if you had just been chased by a real live monster. So, we can use this phenomenon in a more beneficial role, for example, calming ourselves before an interview.
Review, remember and relive the success story. Remember the people who were around you, remember the temperature of the room, remember the smell in the air and remember the feelings you had when your were recognised, praised or congratulated. You’re brain will release endorphins, your anxiety will lessen and you’ll be smiling, feeling confident, and you’ll be ready for the interview.