Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Check Your Email !

One of my co-workers pointed out the large percentage of our clients who don’t check their email regularly. We’ll send out important notices and we’ll check and only about 30% of the addressees will have opened (and hopefully read) the email. The question that jumps to mind is what other emails are getting past our job seekers?

Email is the principle ways that companies and recruiters will contact the job seeker. There is a problem if the job seeker isn’t reading their email. This might happen for two reasons. The Job Seeker is not reading their email on a regular basis three, four or five times a day so that nothing gets past them. Second, the Job Seeker’s email box is too cluttered and the reader is overwhelmed. If you are in the hunt for a new job and you aren’t checking your mail in a systematic and regular manner, start now!

If you are a job hunter but overwhelmed by the shear volume of email in your mailbox then there are a few things to consider. Realize that if you have an account on CareerBuilder and another on Monster and maybe one or two more Job Boards, you’ll be inundated with all kinds of email; most of which are not going to lead to an interview. With all the dozens and dozens of email overwhelming your attention you may be missing really important communications.

How can you cut down on all the email? First, cut down to one job board either CareerBuilder or Monster; in fact, recruiters search all the job boards for new candidates.  Updating your profile or resume keeps recruiters seeing you at the top of their searches.

Consider setting up an email just for job search, or set up one just for the job boards. I encourage my clients to set up an email address just for their job search. Especially if their email is a family email or a non professional ring to it. (e.g., hotmomma@hotmail.com or kate&billsdad@yahoo.com)

Voice mail is the other means of communicating between job seekers and potential employers. Greetings need to be professional too. (e.g., The kids saying, “Hi... you called the Smith family, we’re out doing family stuff and aren’t home to talk to you... at the tone, you know what to do.”) While it’s cute it’s hardly professional. Consider setting up a Google Voice account for your job search and this way you’ll sound professional and most likely not lose any messages due to family interaction.

If you are in the hunt for a new job, consider your email and how you use it. It’s a tool and a tool that requires a higher level of attention than some others. Also the phone and voice mail is a tool that requires a professional approach. Remember that first impressions are lasting impressions, don’t allow your email procedure or your voice mail greeting to set the wrong tone.

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